
FINALLY!! The day has finally come and I’m getting our site launched, posting my first blog entry, and getting this business, Lucid Advisors LLC, going. I couldn't be more excited!

Lucid is an exciting new venture focused on helping to train, educate and develop people to be the best leaders and managers they can be.

I have been passionate about leadership for as long as I can really remember. In fact, I think the first time I really fell in love with the idea of leading was as a member of my 8th-grade student government waaaaaay back in my junior high school days!

It was the idea that you can get a group of people together and organize, manage and inspire them to make a difference, make a change, or just get something done. I found that to be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling and that feeling has never gone away.

My leadership journey continued from there as a student leader and team captain in High School and then on to my time at the Naval Academy. At times I received formal leadership training, but most of my learning came from experience – both my own leadership roles as well as watching and observing others lead above and around me. Over the years, I not only observed, but took note, reflected, and studied what worked and what didn’t and strived to learn from my experiences and incrementally improve as often as possible. I became a student of my craft.

From the Naval Academy, I went on to lead teams in the Navy for 10 years and then into a wide variety of leadership and management positions in business over the past 20 years. All along, I’ve captured my thoughts and ideas about what really works and what doesn’t when it comes to leadership. And now, at this point in my career, I’ve pulled those ideas together, refined them with a dozen colleagues and experts, and built a set of courses that are focused on teaching leaders the fundamentals and more advanced concepts of being a truly great manager. To teach people how to build trust with their teams in order to motivate and inspire them and how to organize their activities and focus their energy as leaders in order to create teams that operate at the highest levels.

I am incredibly proud of what we’ve pulled together and I am very excited to take our training to organizations big and small, commercial and noncommercial - anywhere people care deeply about being great leaders.

TONS more to come! You can check back here for future blogs about leadership and management, you can follow me on Medium as well for the same content. You can also follow Lucid on LNKD and Twitter (I’ll never call it “X”!!!).


